Me and my penis: 100 men reveal all | The Guardian
Did the project make her think differently about men? “Yes, there was a feeling of falling in love with men. It was really lovely.” A couple of months before she started Manhood, Dodsworth split up with her husband, the father of her two sons. “So there was something interesting about going through the process of separation and divorce from somebody I’d been with for 20 years, then meeting 100 men and stepping into this very intimate conversation with them all.”
What surprised her most? “A lot more men feel a sense of shame or anxiety about their size, or an aspect of their performance, than I would have thought. What really moved me is how much that shame and inadequacy had bled into different parts of their life.” She says many were teased as children about their penis and never recovered from it.
Source: Me and my penis: 100 men reveal all | Life and style | The Guardian