services for organizations
I offer in-service trainings, personal coaching and case discussion sessions for teachers, trainers and youth educators as well as counselors, integration workers, health workers, social workers, job consultants, sexual supervisors, and disability consultants.
sex related
On these occasions professionals can get sex- and gender related information, gain a better understanding of sexuality in their professional life, and further their self-development and communication skills.
multicultural environment
Working with clients from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds means that we have to reach across cultures. Intercultural empathy and respect is mobilized to overcome the communication challenges and the norms that traditionally regulate the communication of the body in specific contexts. In that work the professional might feel the need to deepen their knowledge and understanding of body-related, non-formalized (non-institutionalized) dimensions of the lives of their clients and the needs that arise from them.
for care givers
Being a care giver (social worker, consultant, etc) or a teacher/ trainer is an emotionally loaded position and necessarily implies some level of self-development. In a work situation a supporting professional usually tries to take the position of the neutral expert. But at the same time, he or she is also present as a man or a woman, with a body and a soul, with all his or her emotions, values, and prejudices.
The professional identity offers a mask from under which we rarely consider talking to the other party as an equal since it is the other who needs help, counsel, healing, and answers. The ability to professionally self-reflect enables us to examine ourselves in each and every situation where we are interacting with the ‘client’. The aim of this approach is not to guarantee the lack of conflict, or a smooth resolution of every conflict or misunderstanding, but instead to:
- protect ourselves,
- understand our own limits,
- help us to say yes or no
- help to reduce our own uncertainty in situations,
- and finally, to provide better service for our clients without damaging our own life.
I think it is very important to find and be able to keep the beauty of this work which is so often really challenging. My aim with training and consulting professionals is to support their work based on these values and considerations.
I live and work in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, but I do projects and have clients from more than a dozen countries in Europe. If you are interested in such trainings or consultation services for your organization I invite you to get in touch. Let’s find out what you need and what I can offer you!