Teachers’ training
ars erotica foundation
For Sexual Education and for the Acceptance of Sexual Cultures
5THDecember -10THDecember
How can we adapt sexuality education to a traditional and mostly formal educational
environment? How does it work to communicate intimate topics with teenagers? What
does it take to face oneself own sexuality as a teacher? How is it possible to build up a
flexible and custom made sexuality education curriculum?
Teachers (Pre-school, primary, secondary, vocational, adult, special needs)
Teacher trainers
Careers officers, educational guides and counsellors
The training is for school teachers, counsellors facing the challenge of communication on
sexuality with teenagers on a regular basis. Its basic objective is to equip teachers with
the competencies necessary to adapt sexuality educational programmes to the school
environment. This includes:
– To get acquainted with the theoretical background of sexuality education.
– Learn to construct and adapt detailed curricula on sexuality for 14-18 olds.
– Develop communication techniques/skills and attitudes necessary to work the
theme of sexuality with youth 14-18.
– Develop non-formal pedagogical tools which are capable to transmit
information, values and attitude on sexuality to this age group.
December 5th-10th 2011 | Budapest, Hungary
Interested participants should contact Dora Mester at Ars Erotica Foundation
(doradjamila(at)gmail(dot)com) by 30th March 2011.
The course is eligible for Comenius In Service Training Grant even it is not in the course
catalogue. The deadline for application at Comenius National Agencies is 29th April 2011.
The workshop is based on a combination of different activities and methodologies, relying
on non-formal education. We invite the participants to participate actively, and share
their experiences. Activities include:
– Structured exercises: role plays, simulations to examine the dynamics of
educational experiences dealing with sexuality.
– Small group tasks, discussions around questions of interest.
– Presentations and discussion.
– Getting acquainted with tools of sexuality education.
1.000 Euros in total for the 5 days including: Accommodation, breakfast and 1 meal,
course materials, coffee and refreshments during course.
Day 1. Whose sexuality? Introduction to sex education
10.00- 11.00 Presentation of the course, the participants and the trainers. Expectations.
11.15-12.45 What is human sexuality? How do we treat sexuality concerning its cultural
and social context? (group exercise)
14.15-15.45 Teachers are also sexual beings. The necessity of becoming aware of on
positions and limits concerning values, attitudes and cultural background on one’s own
sexuality before teaching. (group exercise, discussion)
16.00-17.30 How do we become adults? Can you remember for your childhood
experience? Ways to open up between adults and youth. (presentation, structured
Day 2. Let’s talk about sex! Challenges and skills in communicating sex
9.30- 11.00 Competences of communication on intimate topics (drama games)
11.15-12.45 Introduction to methods of dealing with cultural, social and personal
boundaries in communication on sex.
14.15-15.45 Practicing methods (group task)
16.00-17.30 How to use these competencies in an educational context (discussion, group
Day 3. When the content is more than information
9.30- 11.00 Introduction to a comprehensive sex education – curriculum in general
11.15-12.45 Flexible adaptation of content in response to students particular needs
13.45-15.00 Adaptation of sex curriculum content to national, cultural, institutional
15.15-17.30 How to develop a detailed curriculum content transmitting values and
attitudes (discussion)
Day 4. ‘Sitting in a circle.’ Non-formal methods in sex education
9.30-11.00 Non-formal educational techniques in sex education (presentation,
11.15-12.45 Students, teachers and the formal system of schools. Individual factors,
situations influencing the teaching experience. (negotiating techniques)
14.15-15.45 Challenges from the students’ side. (a Hungarian case study)
16.00-17.30 Using pedagogical methods in non-formal sex education. (group work)
Day 5. Designing sex education projects to take home
9.30-10.30 Steps of constructing sex education (needs assessment, group design,
content, evaluation)
10.30- 12.30 Group task: working on own sexual education projects for own target
13.30 -15.15 Presentation and discussion of results
15.30-16.00. Recapitulation, evaluation.