Trainers’ training
BODY Trainers’ training in July 2013
1st July – 5th July 2013 in BUDAPEST, Hungary
Course reference number: HU-2013-124-001
Application deadline to your Lifelong Learning National Agency is the 16th January 2013
The training is for adult trainers, counselors, social workers, health educators, family counselors, sexuality-educators, teacher trainers facing in their daily work the challenge of cultural differences of the human body, gender and sexuality. Its basic objective is to equip these professionals with the competencies necessary to deal how to overcome these challenges in training/counseling/ coaching situations. This includes:
gaining a better understanding of cultural differences in gender, body and sexuality
developing skills to reflect on their students’ and their own non-verbal behaviour
acquiring tools to design and lead their own trainings taking into account cultural differences in gender, body and sexuality, in particular will have more facility in handling tensions and incompatibilities
For any further information and the pre-registration form to attach to your application to the National Agency – please contact us,
ars erotica foundation
For Sexual Education and for the Acceptance of Sexual Cultures
TRAINERS’ TRAINING 17th March- 21st March 2013 BUDAPEST
All over Europe body, fitness and holistic approaches are common in many adult trainings focusing on personality development or different body practices (dance, theatre, yoga etc..). Nevertheless, this awareness in its cultural or sexual aspects is not reflected in the professional level of adult trainers. There are very few trainers’ trainings offering an insight into the deep dimensions of body, gender and sexuality. There are many training and counselling situations (such as health education, family counselling, teachers training, etc.) where sexuality can appear as a question, a problem or – more often – lies behind conflicts, interpersonal tensions.
How does it work to communicate intimate topics in a training/counselling situation? What does it take to face oneself own sexuality as a professional? How can we identify and handle cultural differences behind sexuality? These and similar questions will be answered at the training.
Teachers involved in adult education
Teacher trainers
Careers officers, educational guides and counsellors
Members of students/teachers councils
Sex-educators, health educators, family counsellors
Social workers
The training is for adult trainers, counsellors, social workers facing the challenge of regular communication on sexuality in their daily work. Its basic objective is to equip these professionals with the competencies necessary to deal with sexual topics in training/counselling/ coaching situations. This includes:
– To get acquainted with the theoretical background of human sexuality (sex, gender, orientation, body, sexuality and culture etc.);
– Helping participants gain a better understanding of cultural differences in gender, body and sexuality;
– Helping participants develop skills to reflect on their students’ and their own sexuality and non-verbal behaviour;
– Helping participants be able to design and lead their own trainings taking into account sexual differences, in particular will have more facility in handling tensions and incompatibilities.
March 17th- March 21st 2013 | 1024 Budapest, Nyitott Műhely Hungary |
Interested participants should contact Dora Mester at Ars Erotica Foundation ( by 13th September 2012.
DEADLINE! The course is eligible for Grundtvig In Service Training Grant. The deadline for application at Grundtvig National Agencies is 17th September 2012!
Please send your application email as soon as possible to ( before applying at your national agency!
The workshop is based on a combination of different activities and methodologies, relying on non-formal education. We invite the participants to participate actively, and share their experiences. Activities include:
– Structured exercises: role plays, simulations to examine the dynamics of training and counselling experiences dealing with sexuality;
– Small group tasks, discussions around questions of interest;
– Presentations and discussion;
– Getting acquainted with communication skills and methodological tools on sexuality.
1.000 Euros in total for the 5 days including: Accommodation, breakfast and 1 meal, course materials, coffee and refreshments during course.
Day 1. Sex is everywhere. Introduction to human sexuality
10.00- 11.00 Presentation of the course, participants and trainers. Expectations.
11.15-12.45 What is human sexuality? How do we treat sexuality concerning its cultural and social context? (group exercise)
14.15-15.45 Sexuality in adult training situations. Topics in questions, conflicts, concerns. (participants share their working experience)
16.00-17.30 What is the limitation of a group work? What to talk or not to talk about in a training/counselling situation. (group exercise, discussion)
Day 2. Let’s talk about sex! Challenges and skills in communicating sex
9.30- 11.00 Competences of communication on intimate topics (drama games)
11.15-12.45 Professionals are also sexual beings. The necessity of becoming aware of positions and limits concerning values, attitudes and cultural background on one’s own sexuality before teaching. (group exercise, discussion)
14.15-15.45 Practicing methods (group task)
16.00-17.30 How to use these competencies in a training context (discussion, group work)
Day 3. Culture, body, gender and sexuality
9.30- 11.00 What culture means on a daily basis? Introduction to the cultural aspects of sexuality
11.15-12.45 How to gain a better understanding of cultural differences in gender, body and sexuality? (drama games)
13.45-15.00 How to identify and manage cultural differences behind sexuality? (sharing working experience, discussion)
15.15-17.30 How to develop sensitive tools handling values and attitudes (group work)
Day 4. Our bodies ourselves. Non-formal methods in communication sex
9.30-11.00 Non-formal communication techniques in sex education (presentation, discussion)
11.15-12.45 We are all different. How can we listen effectively? Individual factors influencing the group work. (negotiating techniques)
14.15-15.45 Beyond words. Drama, dance, body contact. Non-verbal communication techniques. (group work)
16.00-17.30 Using holistic approach in non-formal methods. (group work)
Day 5. Design own trainings to take home
9.30-10.30 Steps of inserting sexuality into adult training programs (needs assessment, group design, content, evaluation)
10.30- 12.30 Group task: working on own training projects for own target groups involving sexuality
13.30 -15.15 Presentation and discussion of results
15.30-16.00. Recapitulation, evaluation.